Tuesday, January 6, 2009

today mom needed to go get her blood tested, we got her in the car and Holly got the blood tech to come to the car to take it. This allowed mom to have more energy so we drove town and stopped at an Indian reservation. We got back to the "red neck rehab" in time for mom to get a wonderful massage. We are going to have dinner together and do a little more P.T.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this blog. As I told Gene it really helps me feel a bit more connected. Your mom is one lucky lady to have you girls, Steve and Gene taking care of her. She cannot help but get well. Just know I think of you every day. Your mom and all of you are in my daily prayers. I am sending big hugs to all of you.
    Aunt J
    PS love the pictures

  2. Love this blog. It gives me such comfort to see Pinky smiling and the love one sees in the faces of Beth and Holly. Miss you all. Love Pat
