Monday, January 12, 2009

Greetings from Red Neck Rehab. Today Pinky was showing her inner red neck by demanding McDonald's for dinner and lunch. We feed her what ever she wants since an appetite isn't something she has had. We met with a new physical therapist today, Leslie. Scheduling has been a nightmare since Pinky isn't sleeping because she keeps peeing all night. Peeing in bed is GREAT in her case because this means the bladder is starting to work on it's own. Good for Pinky's bladder but bad for Pinky and the rehab staff that have to wake up and change her multiple times a night. Skin break down (bed sores) is enemy number one so keeping Pinky's skin clean and mean is a priority here at the Red Neck Rehab. Pinky had an MRI yesterday (oh boy). Tomorrow is a big day, we meet with doctor numero uno, Dr. Turner her neurosurgeon at 1 pm. He'll hopefully will give us an insight on how much longer Pinky will have to where the damn turtle brace. Pinky HATES the brace, who wouldn't. Womens liberation has given women the freedom from girdles but poor Pinky is confined to a hard plastic bustier. Lets hope the turtle shell can be burned sooner than later. Thanks to everyone of Pinkys friends, she misses all of you so much. I believe missing her friends is the hardest thing for her to deal with. I'm sure our continued constant company may get a little dull. To another day to conquer...

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