Monday, February 2, 2009

Another day

Hello everyone. The past two days have been what we call feather days, good days are chicken days and bad days are feather days. Pinky has been really cramped up and sore. She isn't sleeping due to the fact that she is urinating about every hour at night and Gene has to change the diaper. Strange because she doesn't pee during the day just all night long. Let's all start praying that Pinky gets return of her bladder sooner than latter. Pinky has contracted another urinary tract infection from the catherization process of removing her urine manually with a tube. I should get an honorary nursing degree after all this is over. At least I have more skills to add to my resume.
Some of Pinky's friends are working on putting together a charity event for her some time in April, so I'll keep you posted on that.
Pink's getting acupuncture, cranial therapy and a message this week. Hopefully something can help relieve the pain she is in.
All our love from the Red Neck Rehab.


  1. Hi Everyone,
    Pinky, I am so proud of you! Walking is a remarkable milestone. I do not suppose the rehab has a heated pool? I was lowered in a wheelchair apparatus into water that was 92-96 degrees and floated with devices and moved my legs and eventually walked . The water supports you. It probably is way too early in rehab to think of it now, but if there is a pool, you might ask if they think this is a viable form of rehab for you. Imagine how wonderful the warm water feels and what relief it can give you from your pain. I wish I could wave a magic wand Princess and make all of this go away. All of you Redneck rehabbers, I love you and am in awe of you too. What a team!!
    Hugs, kisses, and healing


  2. So happy and proud!! We are always praying for you and keeping positive that you will be totally new again!
    sending love to all of you! Keep up the good work!
