Greetings earthlings!
We had a good day here at red neck rehab. Mom had a wonderful message that released a lot of the tension in her arms and shoulders. My Auntie Jane has been visiting and the 4 legged staff at red neck rehab is pleased as punch. Jane is amazing with the doggies and I'm am so thankful because they have been quite neglected. Mom had a great day!!! She is showing more strength and confidence in her body movements. Thank you Jesus!! We were given a number of a man that had a similar injury as mom from a therapist at rehab last week, we spoke to him and heard his story. After 7 months of feeling nothing below his waist he is now walking, chasing his children around and even climbing ladders. He offered his number to other people who needed hope and hope he did provide. Thank you Aaron Begay.
On another note, both of my neighbors have had babies born this past month. Aryan and Doug gave birth to baby Olive born Jan. 16 and ironically baby Andreas Hofer (mom's maiden name is Andrea Hofer) born Feb. 14 to Matthew and Scarlet. New life all around us!!! We enjoy visits from baby Olive as she is too cute for words and we all know that mom loves the kiddies. I feel mom as been given the opportunity for her own "re-birth". Let the queen thrive in her glory.
All my love,
Hello all!...I am so glad the Queen of Recovery aka Pinky is looking sooo beautiful in the attached picture...I'm running a little late in sending out my package that I mention in an earlier comment...had a touch of something that i couldn't shake but now i'm back to my crazy self...the package will be going out this weekend...i hope you all enjoy it...we have our meeting tomorrow for Pinky's gala that will out do them all - Lori Shoenig is doing an awesome job in pulling everything together...i can't wait for the event...again you all are Pinky's guardian angels...there are a lot of people here in Jersey that have Pinky on their prayer list...including mine...well gotta get ready for bed...5:30 am rolls around pretty fast...have a good night and sweet dreams! Peace 2 "U" :O) Marlene #2