Another day here at Red Neck Rehab, the weather has been strange as is this whole scenario. We hit 73 degrees and the neighbors daffodils bloomed last week.
We saw Dr. Turner today (the neurosurgeon)and all good news. Mom's spin is healing nicely, as the doctor put it "she'll always has an abnormal x-ray of her spin" but that's OK with us if she recovers. Psss.. don't tell anyone but her T-9 is compressed and may look odd in an x-ray. Speaking of x-rays, Sunday we took a new set and forgot to take out two bobby-pins in her hair. The technician taking the x-rays was really concerned about the strange pins in her head until we all realized what they were. Humor comes in the oddest of places some times.
Mom is continuing to walk with her leg braces at therapy twice a week with the aid of her therapist and Steve. Today she walked about 130 ft. with slow confidence and speed. Anyone who knows mom will knows that she is a fast walker so trying to maintain her natural speed while remembering how to walk is a challenge.
Gene arrived Sunday and is falling back into pace here at Red Neck Rehab. It's easier for me and Steve because we haven't left this situation but for people coming and going it takes time to get back into the swing of things again.
Moms pain comes and goes. Last night was really rough and has set her back a bit. The spasms cause her whole body to tighten up that it takes days to return to a more relaxed workable state. Her arms were doing so well but now they are tight and stiff. She barely has any range of motion and it hurts too much even to move them. We have upped her spasm medication so hopefully she will find some relief.
Mom's good friend Lori is hosting a fund raiser on behalf of Pinky on April 2, 2009. I'll keep you posted on that in the near future.
Again, thanks to all for all the love and support.
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