Pinky walked approximately 100' on Friday. Under the direction of Pinky's primary Physical Therapist, Rose, we have finally assembled what appears to be a great team. Her PT and OT therapist are working together and coordinating all efforts to facilitate Pinky's re-abling. All of Pinky's muscles are firing when called upon and though there is daily and visible strengthening, she remains fairly week due to the longevity of the healing process. The good news is that the muscles and the brain are communicating. We can work on muscles.
The day following Pinky's 100 yard dash, Rose and the other therapist custom fitted braces to help support her weight while she builds the necessary strength. On Friday, Pinky was both anxious to try them and a little nervous. The first attempt she walked about 18', followed by another 30', and then the long mad dash after a brief rest. About halfway through the last walk, something changed and was readily visible. Pinky's posture improved and the rhythm steadied and then she was off...it was literally like a spirit entered into her body and we all struggled to keep up with the pace she set. Her blood pressure held steady and oddly enough, we didn't even need chap-stick. She told me afterward that it was like a bolt of lighting entered her body and her brain said, 'oh yea, I know how to walk.' And she did. And walked pretty damn good. Saturday morning she awoke and seemed a bit down. When asked about this, she said she she wished she didn't have to wait until Tuesday to get back to the gym. And trust me, that's a first. Friday afforded her her own belief that walking is in her future independent from our own words of encouragement. Sometimes we all need to see things for ourselves to have the faith needed and she experienced it first hand. We'll see how Tuesday goes.
On a different note, I'd like to say to all of Pinky's friends that more than anything, I think it's your guys love and support for her that gives her the strength she shows and the strength she needs. We have good days and some rough ones and when things get frustrating, I think it's the wonderful life she has waiting for her and all the love you all have shown that keeps her going. Nobody knows where we will end up with all of this, but what seems evident to me is that Pinky will remain Pinky. One step at a time...or in Pinky's case, perhaps two or three.
From Redneck Rehab, Steve
Hi Pinky ,
ReplyDeleteI was saddened to here of your accident and want you to know that you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I'm also full of joy to read about your recovery process. I know that you have had many obsticals in your life and have overcome them all. I do believe with your faith that this too will be another challange and as you perservere with all the angels by your side you will overcome.
Just knowing that you have walked a few feet tells me that here she goes again. Not letting life difficuties stop you from your goal.
We have spent years with our dear friend Mary Sheean who helped us not only in our art but also in life. I'm sure she is with you in spirit.
My heart goes out to you and all that are helping you in your recovery.
You fellow artist and friend
Barbara Grena
It's Tuesday! Good luck today walking! Red Neck crew, you're doing an amazing job! Will be thinking of you today as continue your journey.
Another achievemt ! Fabulous Pinky, fabulous. A special hug to the Redneck Rehab Team, You are tuely angels send from above to guide our Pinky back to health. May He continue to givce you strength . I know Pinky appreciates you beyond words, and so do those of us back in frozen NJ who love her so much.
ReplyDeleteKeep walking Kiddo!!!!!!!!!!!
Thought of you today as Katherine is getting ready to go to her first boy/girl 4th grade dance for Valentine's Day. She will be doing the waltz with a 5th Grader! Wishing you a Valentine's Day filled with little waltz steps! Enjoy your visit with Jane, who will bring lots of love from all of us in NJ!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless all of you .WONDERFUL JOBE. We continue to pray for her SPEEDY RECOVERY!!
Pinky, your positive attitude will glide you through this, POWER OF PRAYER...and your wonderful spirit... working all together!
GOD Bless your family!!
Love to all
It's great to hear that you are kicking the Chapstick habit. I've been there and it's not easy to break the grip of that sweet cherry-flavored wax.