Pinky has been having Sunday art parties at the house. Last week we had Wendy and Glenn (friends we made from the pool) and Gobind and Jim (the pool therapist "aquatic master" and her husband) over for Pinky fun. She taught them how to made roses out of sculpy and do lots of other groovie things. It's so nice to see Pinky being Pinky and doing Pinky things!!!
We had a wonderful surprise visit from mom's good friend Karen Herrick last week. Karen was on her way to Reno for a wedding and rearranged her flight so she could have a 6 hour layover in Albuquerque to play with mom. We didn't tell mom about about her coming and seeing moms face as Karen approached the front door was priceless. Thank you Karen for giving mom some company and making the visit possible.
Hi Pinky, you must been so surprised to have Karen there. we can't wait for you to come home soon. you look so good on this photo Pinky. miss you so much-sophia kho.