Spring has sprung here at Redneck Rehab. The Spring winds have reminded me that another year has past and so much has changed. Pinky came to visit last March and I keep thinking what should have been done differently. My lovely mother...
well oh well, shouldn't dell in the past.
This Spring a cute little dove, whom we call Peachie due to her peach head, has decided to make a nest right out side our kitchen window. New life. We think she is a new mother because her nest is small, a little shabby and the branch she's on is a bit shaky. Not the work of a seasoned dove. We look forward to seeing her every morning that she still sits and waits for her chics to come. Here's looking at you Peachie!
Pinky has been kicking ass and taking names this week!!!
Just today she stood up on her own from a high-low mat into a walker. Huge move. THEN in the same therapy session she walked with really minimal assistance in her legs for the first time. Rose just held her waste but Mom's leg movements were all her own. Hot Dog!!! If everyday were like today I would kneel down and become a nun or something. Go Pinky.
These past two weeks or so have been so amazing, Pinky has gotten her power back. New magic and movements everyday, thank you universe.
I hope, God do I hope and pray, that we are in an upward swing and Pinky is on the road to recovery. We met two men at rehab this week, Elkrider and Frank, that I believe have inspired Pinky to work harder. These gents work out all the time and their recovery has been markable. Her work ethic is stronger and she's always exercising. It's either the guys or her wanting to get back to her great life in NJ. Either way, Pinky is the queen of patience and pose.
God save the queen!!