Since the weather here in Albuquerque as been so wonderful we have hired Jeff, our transportation tech., to transport Pinky around in her very own trailer. Via la Rojo Neck.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Red Neck Fun
Since the weather here in Albuquerque as been so wonderful we have hired Jeff, our transportation tech., to transport Pinky around in her very own trailer. Via la Rojo Neck.
Still hoping and praying in Albuquerque
Greetings followers of the great Pink one,
Another week has past and it feels more like a year than just days. Mom has been up and down, some really bad pain then other moments of peace. A few mornings ago she had whole body spasms that made her curl into the fetal position and she thought her bones where going to break. Poor mommy. But things seem a little better since then so who knows. We have moved up to mega pain killers and they seem to be helping when nothing else will.
The days here are boring for mom, she has just a rich a wonderful life in NJ but here it's just me and Steve to amuse her. I fear that Steve and I are sort of losers and don't keep much company but luckily our neighbors on both sides are very kind and like to visit with mom.
I am forever optimistic about moms recovery but when the doctors said slow I really didn't nor could have imagined anything this slow.
Pinky also continues to be positive and optimistic but when the pain is unbearable she speaks a different tune. Please continue to pray and send magic healing energy to my amazing mother.
-Holly, Case Coordinator at Red Neck Rehab.
Another week has past and it feels more like a year than just days. Mom has been up and down, some really bad pain then other moments of peace. A few mornings ago she had whole body spasms that made her curl into the fetal position and she thought her bones where going to break. Poor mommy. But things seem a little better since then so who knows. We have moved up to mega pain killers and they seem to be helping when nothing else will.
The days here are boring for mom, she has just a rich a wonderful life in NJ but here it's just me and Steve to amuse her. I fear that Steve and I are sort of losers and don't keep much company but luckily our neighbors on both sides are very kind and like to visit with mom.
I am forever optimistic about moms recovery but when the doctors said slow I really didn't nor could have imagined anything this slow.
Pinky also continues to be positive and optimistic but when the pain is unbearable she speaks a different tune. Please continue to pray and send magic healing energy to my amazing mother.
-Holly, Case Coordinator at Red Neck Rehab.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Roller coasters suck.
Hello everyone,
It's been a really rough 2 weeks. Mom's been in a lot of pain and has been recovering from a bad urinary tract infection. We've had better days. Her infection has causes those damn spasms to come all the time and her whole body is so stiff and tight. Mom's physical therapy had to slow down due to her pain and therefor has causes her to lose some muscle mass and strength.
I have to honor mom's physical therapist Rose Vallejo, this wonder woman is a saint. Rose is taking a week off from work for her children's spring break but is going to come over to our house to continue therapy with mom without pay during that week. She even offered to stay late so Steve and I could go on a date. Wow! I love Rose.
I hope and pray to write better news soon. I apologize for miss spellings and poor grammar on this blog but our time is better spent tending to Pinky.
All my love and gratitude to all who love my mommy.
It's been a really rough 2 weeks. Mom's been in a lot of pain and has been recovering from a bad urinary tract infection. We've had better days. Her infection has causes those damn spasms to come all the time and her whole body is so stiff and tight. Mom's physical therapy had to slow down due to her pain and therefor has causes her to lose some muscle mass and strength.
I have to honor mom's physical therapist Rose Vallejo, this wonder woman is a saint. Rose is taking a week off from work for her children's spring break but is going to come over to our house to continue therapy with mom without pay during that week. She even offered to stay late so Steve and I could go on a date. Wow! I love Rose.
I hope and pray to write better news soon. I apologize for miss spellings and poor grammar on this blog but our time is better spent tending to Pinky.
All my love and gratitude to all who love my mommy.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The past few days have been rough. Pinky has yet another Urinary Tract Infection which causes bad spasms and sleepless nights which in turn means she doesn't do her physical therapy. We've missed two days this week with Rose and I'm hoping we can make it tomorrow. Everyday in bed sets her back so it's hard to balance her healing and getting her up and out to do exercises. I hate this cycle!!!
Beth has been here since Saturday and has yet to see Mom at her best. We have 5 good days then a few bads days. I know this isn't a recovery of a straight upward slope function like x^2 but I really wish I did have a mathematical equation to predict the out come.
As a reminder, Pinky's Fundraiser is coming and tickets need to be purchased in advance because food is being served. Please send your RSVP to:
Admission: $40 per person
Reservation: By mail by March 25
Make check payable to Andrea Adubato
(Pinky’s legal name) and mail to: Lori Schoenig,
23 Mitchell Place, Little Silver, NJ 07739.
Include names of persons attending, address, phone, and email. Indicate if you plan to bring gold fo cash.
Can’t come? Donations welcome.
Sponsor a page to wish Pinky a speedy recovery.
Thanks everyone for your continued support and love.
The past few days have been rough. Pinky has yet another Urinary Tract Infection which causes bad spasms and sleepless nights which in turn means she doesn't do her physical therapy. We've missed two days this week with Rose and I'm hoping we can make it tomorrow. Everyday in bed sets her back so it's hard to balance her healing and getting her up and out to do exercises. I hate this cycle!!!
Beth has been here since Saturday and has yet to see Mom at her best. We have 5 good days then a few bads days. I know this isn't a recovery of a straight upward slope function like x^2 but I really wish I did have a mathematical equation to predict the out come.
As a reminder, Pinky's Fundraiser is coming and tickets need to be purchased in advance because food is being served. Please send your RSVP to:
Admission: $40 per person
Reservation: By mail by March 25
Make check payable to Andrea Adubato
(Pinky’s legal name) and mail to: Lori Schoenig,
23 Mitchell Place, Little Silver, NJ 07739.
Include names of persons attending, address, phone, and email. Indicate if you plan to bring gold fo cash.
Can’t come? Donations welcome.
Sponsor a page to wish Pinky a speedy recovery.
Thanks everyone for your continued support and love.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hi everyone,
I just got into Albuquerque Saturday, after being away for 6 1/2 weeks, the difference I see in my mother is in her spirit. When I was here last time I tried to have a couple of times to talk about the future and mom was not having it! This time she is open to more than one day in advance, I see this as a wonderful advancement. Physically she is also getting better, she is starting to have a lot better control of her body, her mussels are still weak so that is what everyone is focusing on, getting stronger. (I never really got that we have up to 2000 different mussels, and mom has to work on them, almost one at a time.)
It is great to be back with her,Holly and Steve. Holly and Steve have basically put their lives on hold to take care of Pinky, I am extremely grateful to them as I am sure my mother is too. An average day consists of getting up at 5:00am for pills, most likely changing of her briefs also because she is voiding quite often at night. At 9:00am is when we start to get her out of bed but first she needs some more pills and a little breakfast which usually a yogurt and a shake. 10:00 is out of bed and starting with exercises, Steve is her drill Sargent he is wonderful with her since he is not her child she can not manipulate him as easy as she does with Holly and I. They work out for about 4 hours, it is not consecutive, in between she has lunch and needs to be chatherdized 3 times a day. When she is not doing something she tries to nap since keeping her energy up is key. Mail comes late in Alberquerque about 4:00, this is a really big time for Pinky she loves to read her mail from her great friends and family. At night we put her back into bed for dinner and she really enjoys TV.
This was a day without going to re-hab. When going to re-hab they still work out at home but it is mostly stretching they do not want her to get too tired out. They have to put her in the truck, Steve up to now is the main transfer person (he lifts her by him-self, by using balance and her own weight.) Mostly re-hab is at 12:00 and 2:00, 1 hour for Physical therapy and 1 hour for occupational therapy with an hour in between to rest, this is when they usually run out for lunch at either McDonalds or Burgerking and they all have something on the $1 menu. Re-hab is three days a week the other four days are at Holly and Steve's. Holly also spends many hours ordering supplies and calling Dr.'s, Therapists, massage Therapists and so many other peoples.
I thought you should know why Pinky doesn't have time to call her friends, it is because she is very busy getting better.
I will be here for the next few weeks and I come out as much as I can to take a little stress off my sister and of course to help my mother. Gene and I usually switch spots.
Pinky's oldest daughter, Beth.
I just got into Albuquerque Saturday, after being away for 6 1/2 weeks, the difference I see in my mother is in her spirit. When I was here last time I tried to have a couple of times to talk about the future and mom was not having it! This time she is open to more than one day in advance, I see this as a wonderful advancement. Physically she is also getting better, she is starting to have a lot better control of her body, her mussels are still weak so that is what everyone is focusing on, getting stronger. (I never really got that we have up to 2000 different mussels, and mom has to work on them, almost one at a time.)
It is great to be back with her,Holly and Steve. Holly and Steve have basically put their lives on hold to take care of Pinky, I am extremely grateful to them as I am sure my mother is too. An average day consists of getting up at 5:00am for pills, most likely changing of her briefs also because she is voiding quite often at night. At 9:00am is when we start to get her out of bed but first she needs some more pills and a little breakfast which usually a yogurt and a shake. 10:00 is out of bed and starting with exercises, Steve is her drill Sargent he is wonderful with her since he is not her child she can not manipulate him as easy as she does with Holly and I. They work out for about 4 hours, it is not consecutive, in between she has lunch and needs to be chatherdized 3 times a day. When she is not doing something she tries to nap since keeping her energy up is key. Mail comes late in Alberquerque about 4:00, this is a really big time for Pinky she loves to read her mail from her great friends and family. At night we put her back into bed for dinner and she really enjoys TV.
This was a day without going to re-hab. When going to re-hab they still work out at home but it is mostly stretching they do not want her to get too tired out. They have to put her in the truck, Steve up to now is the main transfer person (he lifts her by him-self, by using balance and her own weight.) Mostly re-hab is at 12:00 and 2:00, 1 hour for Physical therapy and 1 hour for occupational therapy with an hour in between to rest, this is when they usually run out for lunch at either McDonalds or Burgerking and they all have something on the $1 menu. Re-hab is three days a week the other four days are at Holly and Steve's. Holly also spends many hours ordering supplies and calling Dr.'s, Therapists, massage Therapists and so many other peoples.
I thought you should know why Pinky doesn't have time to call her friends, it is because she is very busy getting better.
I will be here for the next few weeks and I come out as much as I can to take a little stress off my sister and of course to help my mother. Gene and I usually switch spots.
Pinky's oldest daughter, Beth.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
250 ft. and counting
Hello everyone,
This was a great week for Pinky! The end of last week was difficult due to lack of sleep and a bad stomach flu that I had. It's hard when the care giver gets sick but thanks to Lunesta and a few days of eating dry toast things are back on track. Pinky hasn't sleep well in the 4 months since her accident. We've tried Ambien and she would still wake up every hour. Last Friday we tried Lunesta and hip-hip hooray Pinky finally sleeps. She wants to buy stock in the company.
Tuesday at rehab Pinky showed amazing strength and was able to stand on her own (with the help of leg braces) for a few minutes. This is a far cry from about 6 weeks ago when she would either vomit or faint or a combo of both. It's hard to mark the daily progress when you're in the thick of it. It's kind of like when your dog gets fat, you don't realize it till someone comes over and says "wow, your dogs really fat". Like watching your hair grow.
Thursday Rose her therapist did a test called the STANDARD NEUROLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SPINAL CORD INJURIES. Muscles are tested and scored between a 1 ( the lowest) and 5 (the highest). Pinky scored a 3+ on most leg muscle groups which is all she needs to walk. She may have to wear leg braces but thats nothing compared to her lack of mobility about 2 months ago. Great news!!! Her left foot is a little non-responsive to testing, perhaps the nerves aren't communicating well there yet but whats a few toes in the big picture of things.
Friday, Mom walked the best she ever has and the furthest. She's initiated most steps on her own and showed more control of her moments. When I say walk I mean she has a table in front of her to support her arms and Steve and Rose are holding her on either side and kicking her feet forward but it's a start.
Her arms have been the cause of most pain and frustration. She was doing so well but now the muscle spasms have turned her arms into a tight mess.
Beth returns tonight for a 2 week visit and Gene leaves tomorrow. My house feels like a hostel. All are welcome.
Peace and love,
This was a great week for Pinky! The end of last week was difficult due to lack of sleep and a bad stomach flu that I had. It's hard when the care giver gets sick but thanks to Lunesta and a few days of eating dry toast things are back on track. Pinky hasn't sleep well in the 4 months since her accident. We've tried Ambien and she would still wake up every hour. Last Friday we tried Lunesta and hip-hip hooray Pinky finally sleeps. She wants to buy stock in the company.
Tuesday at rehab Pinky showed amazing strength and was able to stand on her own (with the help of leg braces) for a few minutes. This is a far cry from about 6 weeks ago when she would either vomit or faint or a combo of both. It's hard to mark the daily progress when you're in the thick of it. It's kind of like when your dog gets fat, you don't realize it till someone comes over and says "wow, your dogs really fat". Like watching your hair grow.
Thursday Rose her therapist did a test called the STANDARD NEUROLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SPINAL CORD INJURIES. Muscles are tested and scored between a 1 ( the lowest) and 5 (the highest). Pinky scored a 3+ on most leg muscle groups which is all she needs to walk. She may have to wear leg braces but thats nothing compared to her lack of mobility about 2 months ago. Great news!!! Her left foot is a little non-responsive to testing, perhaps the nerves aren't communicating well there yet but whats a few toes in the big picture of things.
Friday, Mom walked the best she ever has and the furthest. She's initiated most steps on her own and showed more control of her moments. When I say walk I mean she has a table in front of her to support her arms and Steve and Rose are holding her on either side and kicking her feet forward but it's a start.
Her arms have been the cause of most pain and frustration. She was doing so well but now the muscle spasms have turned her arms into a tight mess.
Beth returns tonight for a 2 week visit and Gene leaves tomorrow. My house feels like a hostel. All are welcome.
Peace and love,
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